Our Mission

To provide a Christ-centered, quality education to equip students for a life of service.

Our Vision

Surrounded by our community of believers where God’s presence is evident, our students will find their calling in God’s world through an exceptional education, delivered from a Biblical worldview. Students will be known personally, discipled intentionally, and challenged academically.


Words matter. That’s why we decided to take another look at the Central value statements. With our new leadership in place and being in a season of change, we decided it was a good time to dial in our focus and gain clarity about what we value. These statements embody the original values but provide a fresh dynamic to the language and life of what we are trying to do and be as a school. Prayerfully read and engage with us as we seek to live these values and achieve our mission of equipping students for a life of service.

Better Together
God created us in his image to live in Community. Therefore, we honor and care for the well-being and success of all. We value encouragement and helpful communications while speaking the truth in love. We celebrate the individual gifts and character of each member and provide an environment for them to struggle and grow.
(Rom 12:4-5; Gen 1:27; Col 3:12-14)

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Building Trust
We strive for Excellence in our character and proven-ness in our work. We do our best to earn respect by exceeding expectations, maintaining high standards, challenging complacency, and aiming for full potential.
(Matt 13:12; Titus 2:7; Phil 1:9-10)

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Being Transformed
We value whole-person Growth and practice continuous improvement through learning, personal reflection, and Christian development. We are open to new ideas and seek God’s kingdom dream for our lives and the world.
(Rom 12:2; I| Cor 5:17; Ps 51:10)
Bridging the Gap
Through Service, we identify needs and address them. We see God-possibilities and obediently follow the Spirit to make them our reality. In humility, we give of ourselves, investing in the cause of Christian education and thus, the future.
(I Peter 4:10; Col 3:23; Isa 58:10)